If you’re cold, so is your engine. Warm her up with a little bit of STA-BIL Diesel Winter. Diesel fuel gels at a much higher temperature than gasoline does and can put a damper in your day if you go out to crank up your ride and it doesn’t start. Don’t get caught in a situation that could have been prevented by adding a fuel additive. STA-BIL Winter was designed specifically with cold climates in mind. Our anti-gel works down to a chilly -40°F and lowers the cold filter plug point by 36°F. Meaning your fuel will stay flowing in even the coldest temperatures. Another great feature is how this product removes water in the system compared to the competition. Ours uses de-emulsification which means the water is pulled out of the fuel and separated while flowing in the fuel line making your vehicles fuel water separators job much easier and functioning properly. Other additives use what is called dispersion. This means the water is combined with the fuel and burnt out through the injection system which can cause the fuel to not combust properly and promote corrosion in the fuel system. Plus, then the fuel water separator has a hard time picking up water out of the system. Last, but certainly, not least you also get the benefit of our powerful injector cleaning detergents to make sure your fuel is always properly atomized. STA-BIL Winter is on guard 24/7, keeping you worry-free at every start.
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Will prevent gelling down to -40° Fahrenheit
Removes water to help prevent corrosion
Lowers the cold filter plugging point as much as 36 degrees
Treats 250 gallons
Cleans Injectors
Specification: STA-BIL Diesel Winter Ant-Gel – Prevents Fuel Gelling Down to -40 Degrees Fahrenheit – Cleans Injectors – Treats 250…
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